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Universal Accessibility

Universal Accessibility

Our products have a variety of accessible and inclusive features to help make your facility barrier-free for all passengers.

emBARq with ADA-compatible height

Arconas is dedicated to supporting the creation of more inclusive and welcoming airport terminals, by offering furniture solutions that prioritize accessibility and comfort.

  • We consult with specialized and professional organizations such as Open Doors Organization in the USA, and the Rick Hansen Foundation in Canada, to help us make informed recommendations to our clients on how to enhance the universal accessibility of their seating layouts in their terminals.
  • Discover some of our accessible products and features that will help make your terminal more universally inclusive. 

Accessible Seating
Bernù Aero with ADA logo
Accessible seats are clearly labelled with internationally recognizable accessibility symbols. For easy access and lateral transfers from a wheelchair, the outer arm can be removed from the seat at the end of the row. 

PRM SeatingBernù Aero with ADA and PRM seat
Through the use of a special bracket, seats can be raised to provide persons with reduced mobility (PRM) an easier transition in and out of the chair.

End-mount power
Bernu Aero with End Mount Power
inPower flex 3 modules for device charging are available on back-to-back seating units, allowing a person in a wheelchair to access the power outlet at arm height. 

ADA- compliant height
emBARq with ADA-compatible height
All 32" height emBARq workstations are ADA-compliant.

Sensory and inclusive options
Arconas has a wide range of furniture options to provide passengers of all walks of life with inclusive seating solutions, from calming options for quiet spaces to engaging, sensory-friendly seating for interactive areas.

Extra-wide seating
Bernù Poly Wide Seat
Extra-wide (30") seating option on Bernù Aero and Aerea seating systems provide extra comfort for passengers who may need more room.